2021년 12월 29일 수요일

ETC - Git repository create & data upload

Step - 0 - git install
1-git download & install
2-mouse right click check
==Git GUI/Bash Here check

Step - 1 - Github join
1 - join member to github

Step - 2 - Create Github repository
1 - Login github
==After login check drop down menu

2 - click 'Your profile'

3 - click 'Repositories'

4 - click 'New'

5 - insert repository name and click 'create repository' button
==Check box none check
===README.md - discription file
===gitignore - file or directory black/whit list
===license - license check

6 - Copy Quick setup link

Step - 3 - take remote repository into local computer

1 - Click right click in some directory
=="Click Bash Here" select

2 - Insert command
=="First time" setting
===git config --global user.name "github name"
===git config --global user.email "your e-mail"

3 - Repository call
==use Step - 2-6 address
==git clone https://~~~~

Step - 4 - move to staging area after file create, modify, delete
1.create "README.md" file using notepad
==insert "TEST TEST TEST"

2.save contents

3.open bash command window using click  "Git Bash Here"
==type "git status" command

git file transfer step
work directory = user local computer directory
staging area = prepare ready to  transfer to git repository
commit = readied file transfer
push = upload committed file

4. "README.md" file move to staging area
==insert "git add README.md" command

== "git add * " ==all file move to staging area

5.check status
==type "git status"
Green files are ready to commit

5.file commit in staging file
==type "git commit -m "summary commit content" "
==summary contents - code change history or functional change contents

6.committed file upload to repository
==type "git push origin main"

command is changed "git push origin master" to "git push origin main"

7.Check repository status

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