2020년 3월 31일 화요일

Day_02. What is client/Server Computing

What is Client/Server computing

1)Application task
--user interface
--data request and result acceptance
--data integrity
--physical data management

---3가지 종류의 architecture
-1)query language
-2)original client/server application
-3)distribution of processing in client server model

2)right sizing
--design new application for the platform they are best suited
----새로운 플랫폼에서 새 어플리케이션을 개발할 때 가장 알맞은 사이즈 설계
--down / up /smart sizing 이 존재,
----smart sizing = up,down 과는 다르게 business process 를 re-engineering 하는것, 프로세스 자체의 단계를 정리한다

3)benefit of client/server computing
--dollar save
--increased productivity
--flexibility and scalability
--resource utilization
--centralized control
--open system

3.5)client/server component
--original client / server applications

4)client/server computing in the database market
--definition= combining the feature of user friendly graphical interfaces and the flexibility typical of applications running on a pc. With access to relational database technology provide by a database server
---pc에서 동작하는 사용자 친화적인 인터페이스와 유연성을 가진 어플리케이션의 집합으로, 관계형 데이터베이스 서버에 접근하게 해주는 시스템

4.5)시스템 진화 과정
--Terminal based computing
--user interface management on a host
--stand alone applications running in PC
--file/server architecture
--client server architecture with database server
--delegation of services using the client database server model

5)advantage of client server model
--provided a more efficient division of labor
--an opportunity for both horizontal and vertical scaling of resources to do the job
--generally can be run on smaller client computer configurations with better performance
--client can access more data
--user can stay with the same familiar and favorite tools they’ve grown accustomed to using on the PC
--Increasingly valuable data can be properly safeguarded against loss or improper access
--less expensive and more powerful PC hardware and software are providing business problem solutions that are cheaper to implement then the database applications thy replace

6)Client/Server computing in the database market
--combining the features of user friendly graphical interface and the flexibility typical of applications running on PC with access to relational database technology pronded by a database server

7)Two-tier client/server architecture
--client = responsible for the representation to data to the user
--server= responsible for supplying data services to the client

Three-tier Architecture
=2-tier architecture의 문제
---fat client
---significant client side administration overhead

=3-tier later 등장
--user interface layer = client layer
--business logic,data processing layer = application layer
--DBMS = database server

=3 tier architecture’s advantage
--thin client
--app maintenance’s centralized
--load balancing

Data model

DBA staff = 실제 DB설계자
Casual user= 일반 사용자
Application programmer= host language (c,c++등)사용
Data 모델인 relational, hierarchical, network 에 따라 데이터의 형상이 다름,

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