2019년 6월 24일 월요일


  • 코드
    • ORA-03113
  • 원인
    • 1-DATA파일 손상
    • 2-SCN 불일치
    • 3-DB 컨트롤파일
    • 4-설정파일 오류

  • 해결
    • Step - 1
      단계를 하나하나 실행해 어디가 문제인지 확인한다
      SQL> startup nomount;
      SQL> alter database mount;
      SQL> alter database open; ==> 여기서 에러가 발생했다.
      alter database open
      ERROR at line 1:
      ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
      Process ID: 24832
      Session ID: 177 Serial number: 1
      Step - 2
      DB Shutdown 하고 다시 mount 상태 이동
      SQL> shutdown immediate
      SQL> startup mount

      Step - 3
      Mount 상태에서 다음 명령어 수행

      SQL> recover database until cancel;
      Media recovery complete.
      SQL> alter database open resetlogs;
      SQL> shutdown immediate
      Database closed.
      Database dismounted.
      ORACLE instance shut down.
      SQL> startup
      ORACLE instance started.

      Total System Global Area 2.6991E+10 bytes
      Fixed Size                  2213976 bytes
      Variable Size            1.9059E+10 bytes
      Database Buffers         7784628224 bytes
      Redo Buffers              145174528 bytes
      Database mounted.
      Database opened.
  • 참고 MOS 문서 번호 & 기타
    • 증상
      $ sqlplus "/as sysdba"

      SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Feb 18 10:24:27 2014

      Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

      Connected to:
      Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
      With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

      SQL> startup
      ORACLE instance started.

      Total System Global Area 2.6991E+10 bytes
      Fixed Size                  2213976 bytes
      Variable Size            1.9059E+10 bytes
      Database Buffers         7784628224 bytes
      Redo Buffers              145174528 bytes
      Database mounted.
      ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
      Process ID: 25292
      Session ID: 177 Serial number: 3

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