2019년 5월 30일 목요일

ORA - 600 [12333]

  • 코드
    • ORA - 600 [12333]
  • 원인
    • 버전별로 차이가 있으나 대부분 Network 통한 데이터 인코딩이나 charset 맞지않을때 발생
  • 해결
    • 가장 쉽게 해결하는것은 SQL 데이터를 넣을때 DATA TYPE 확인하고 넣는다

    • 버전별로 제공되는 문제해결 패치를 사용해서 자신이 사용하는 엔진의 문제점을 해결한다
      ***********데이터에 문제가 생기는 에러는 아님 **********
  • 참고 MOS 문서번호 & 기타
    • $ oerr ORA 600
      00600, 00000, "internal error code, arguments: [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s], [%s]"
      // *Cause: This is the generic internal error number for Oracle program
      //         exceptions. It indicates that a process has encountered a low-level,
      //         unexpected condition. The first argument is the internal message
      //         number. This argument and the database version number are critical in
      //         identifying the root cause and the potential impact to your system.
      // *Action: Visit My Oracle Support to access the ORA-00600 Lookup tool
      //          (reference Note 600.1) for more information regarding the specific
      //          ORA-00600 error encountered.
      //          An Incident has been created for this error in the Automatic
      //          Diagnostic Repository (ADR). When logging a service request, use
      //          the Incident Packaging Service (IPS) from the Support Workbench
      //          or the ADR Command Interpreter (ADRCI) to automatically package the
      //          relevant trace information (reference My Oracle Support Note 411.1).
      //          The following information should also be gathered to help determine
      //          the root cause:
      //             - changes leading up to the error
      //             - events or unusual circumstances leading up to the error
      //             - operations attempted prior to the error
      //             - conditions of the operating system and databases at the time
      //               of the error
      //          Note: The cause of this message may manifest itself as different
      //          errors at different times. Be aware of the history of errors that
      //          occurred before this internal error.

      MOS 문서번호 35928.1 참조한다

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