2019년 5월 30일 목요일


  • 코드
    • ORA-12514
  • 원인
    • 12c에서 Tnsnames.ora 에도 해당 내용이 서술되어 있고 ping , ssh , tnsping 등이 모두 작동하지만 sqlplus id/pw@server_name  입력하면 접속이 되지 않을때 발생

    • $ vi /u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
      RCAT6 =
        (DESCRIPTION =
        (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
        (SERVICE_NAME = backorcl)
  • 해결
    • 원격지 db(source에서 target으로 접속할때 target) listener.ora 하단 항목을 넣어줌

      (SID_LIST =
      (SID_DESC =
      (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/
  • 참고 MOS 문서번호 & 기타
    • 12514, 00000, "TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor"
      // *Cause:  The listener received a request to establish a connection to a
      // database or other service. The connect descriptor received by the listener
      // specified a service name for a service (usually a database service)
      // that either has not yet dynamically registered with the listener or has
      // not been statically configured for the listener.  This may be a temporary
      // condition such as after the listener has started, but before the database
      // instance has registered with the listener.
      // *Action:
      //  - Wait a moment and try to connect a second time.
      //  - Check which services are currently known by the listener by executing:
      //    lsnrctl services <listener name>
      //  - Check that the SERVICE_NAME parameter in the connect descriptor of the
      //    net service name used specifies a service known by the listener.
      //  - If an easy connect naming connect identifier was used, check that
      //    the service name specified is a service known by the listener.
      //  - Check for an event in the listener.log file.

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