2019년 5월 30일 목요일


  • 환경
    • OEL7.5----18cR3---RAC
  • 상황
    • Oracle 18c GRID 설치
  • 원인
    • /etc/hosts 파일에 scan ip3개 이상 들어가 있지않다
  • 해결
    • /etc/hosts 파일에 scan ip 3개 이상 입력

  • 참고 MOS 문서번호 & 기타
    • 원문
      Single Client Access Name (SCAN) - This test verifies the Single Client Access Name configuration.
      Verification WARNING result on node: rac1  Details:
      PRVG-11368 : A SCAN is recommended to resolve to "3" or more IP addresses, but SCAN "rac-scan" resolves to only ""  - Cause:  An insufficient number of SCAN IP addresses were defined for the specified SCAN.  - Action:  Define at least specified number of SCAN IP addresses in DNS for the SCAN.

      Verification WARNING result on node: rac2  Details:
      PRVG-11368 : A SCAN is recommended to resolve to "3" or more IP addresses, but SCAN "rac-scan" resolves to only ""  - Cause:  An insufficient number of SCAN IP addresses were defined for the specified SCAN.  - Action:  Define at least specified number of SCAN IP addresses in DNS for the SCAN.

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