2019년 5월 30일 목요일


  • 환경
    • OEL7.0  --- --- RAC
  • 상황
    • RAC 설치과정중 Prerequisite Check 과정중 발생
  • 원인
    • DNS 서버를 구축하지않고 RAC 구축시 발생가능한 에러로 DNS 구축안하면 SYSTEM HOSTS 파일을 참조하게됨, 이때 HOSTS 파일의 이름으로 지정된 SCAN NSLOOKUP 했을때 작동하지 않아서 resolving - (이름을 ip 변환이 되지않았을때) 발생함
  • 해결
    • 1--dnsmasq 서비스를 시작 & 시스탬에 등록
      --#systemctl stop dnsmasq
      --#systemctl start dnsmasq

      --#nslookup rac-scan

      Name:    rac-scan.localdomain
      --# systemctl enable dnsmasq
      ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/dnsmasq.service' '/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/dnsmasq.service'
    • =====================================
      Detail view 누르면 다음과 같은 경고창이 나온다

      Single Client Access Name (SCAN) - This test verifies the Single Client Access Name configuration.  Error:
      PRVG-1101 : SCAN name "rac-scan" failed to resolve  - Cause:  An attempt to resolve specified SCAN name to a list of IP addresses failed because SCAN could not be resolved in DNS or GNS using 'nslookup'.  - Action:  Check whether the specified SCAN name is correct. If SCAN name should be resolved in DNS, check the configuration of SCAN name in DNS. If it should be resolved in GNS make sure that GNS resource is online.
      PRVF-4657 : Name resolution setup check for "rac-scan" (IP address: failed  - Cause:  Inconsistent IP address definitions found for the SCAN name identified using DNS and configured name resolution mechanism(s).  - Action:  Look up the SCAN name with nslookup, and make sure the returned IP addresses are consistent with those defined in NIS and /etc/hosts as configured in /etc/nsswitch.conf by reconfiguring the latter. Check the Name Service Cache Daemon (/usr/sbin/nscd) by clearing its cache and restarting it.

        Check Failed on Nodes: [rac2,  rac1] 
      Verification result of failed node: rac2

      PRVF-4664 : Found inconsistent name resolution entries for SCAN name "rac-scan"  - Cause:  The nslookup utility and the configured name resolution mechanism(s), as defined in /etc/nsswitch.conf, returned inconsistent IP address information for the SCAN name identified.  - Action:  Check the Name Service Cache Daemon (/usr/sbin/nscd), the Domain Name Server (nslookup) and the /etc/hosts file to make sure the IP address for the SCAN names are registered correctly.
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      Verification result of failed node: rac1

      PRVF-4664 : Found inconsistent name resolution entries for SCAN name "rac-scan"  - Cause:  The nslookup utility and the configured name resolution mechanism(s), as defined in /etc/nsswitch.conf, returned inconsistent IP address information for the SCAN name identified.  - Action:  Check the Name Service Cache Daemon (/usr/sbin/nscd), the Domain Name Server (nslookup) and the /etc/hosts file to make sure the IP address for the SCAN names are registered correctly.
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